The club registrar or president MUST complete the form with the necessary information for the program to receive the USA Hockey awards. A player must be on a registered USA Hockey team in the program and is only allowed one (1) award of each kind per current season. Scoresheets are not required to accompany this form. When the form is completely filled-in, or there are no further awards to be claimed by the organization, the form can either be Emailed to USAH  Registrar: T.C. Branden at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Janice Cavaretta This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or can be uploaded using the online form below. 


Hat Trick Award – For a player scoring three goals in a game.

Playmaker Award – For a player registering three assists in a game.

Zero Club Award – For a goalkeeper playing a complete game without allowing a goal.  Goalkeeper must play the entire game to receive the award.

   click icon to download excel form

Awards App 1516 tcb Page 1


         The club registrar or president must complete the form with the necessary information for the program to receive the USA Hockey awards. A player must be on a registered USA Hockey team and is only allowed one (1) award of each kind per current season. Scoresheets are not required to accompany this form. Click "Submit" when the form is completely filled-in. 
NOTE: Request will only be accepted from the club registrar or president on behalf of the entire club. Individual requests will not be granted. 

Questions can be directed to Tom Branden or Janice Cavaretta 

HAT TRICK: Three (3) Goals in one game by the same player
PLAYMAKER: Three (3) Assist in one game by the same player
ZERO CLUB: No Goals allowed by a Goaltender in a game
 A complete listing of each participant receiving an award is required. 

The file must contain the following fields:

player's nameHattrickPlaymakerZero clubAge classificatioDate of GameOpponent