online reg USAH 1

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


2017-18 Season


This FAQ will give you some background and basic information about this process.


What’s online registration?

Online registration allows individuals to register directly with USA Hockey through an Internet connection at The USA Hockey Waiver is completed, and USA Hockey and Affiliate fees (if applicable) are paid online with a credit card. A confirmation email is sent to the member immediately after an online registration. The member prints out the confirmation receipt to take to the local program to complete the registration process.

When will online registration be available?

Online registration for players, coaches, managers and volunteers for the 2017-18 season will open on April 1, 2017 (August 1st for Referees). Team managers and program volunteers may register online at no charge.

What credit cards can be used?
Online registration will accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Cards. Credit or debit cards can be used. A Visa gift card can be purchased if no credit/debit card is available.

What are the steps in the process?

Local programs instruct their members to register online and submit their confirmation number so it can be processed by the program. The program’s Registry will be used to claim the confirmation numbers to the program. The online transmittal will send the Association Code and participant’s member type to the USA Hockey database.

My program has a website that collects registration data. How does online work then?

You should contact USA Hockey to learn about some great enhancements to the process that allows your website to integrate online registration data. In a nutshell, you’ll have your members register online at, then go to your website and enter their confirmation number. You will then export the numbers to your Registry and transmit online to complete the process. Contact Chris Smith at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about website integration. Please note that the USA Hockey Waiver cannot be acknowledged online at an Association’s website. The Waiver can only be
completed online through USA Hockey’s online registration process.

What’s this confirmation number that I’ll be entering?

The confirmation number is a series of 9 numbers and 5 letters. It is different for each person each season and will appear in printed and barcode format on the confirmation page. It will also appear in both formats in the confirmation email sent immediately after registration. USA Hockey will provide bar code scanners at no cost to local programs using online registration.

How do I get a barcode scanner?

If your program received one last season, be sure to get it from last year’s Registrar. If you don’t have one yet, you can order one by sending an email us to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


How do I know if a confirmation number is valid?

Every confirmation number has a ‘check-digit’ in it that remains constant for that season.

For the 2017-18 season, the 4th digit of each confirmation number must be a 8.


Won’t some people refuse to register online?

If a person doesn’t have a credit card, they can have someone else process the registration for them. Or, they can purchase a Visa gift card for the amount to be spent. 

Everyone that participates, volunteers, coaches and officiates in the NY district must register online with USAH. 

We want to have one person register everyone on the team. Is that ok?

 Each person/parent needs to be responsible for processing their or their child’s registration.


What about Coach Registration?

In order to keep the online registration process as simple as possible, individuals do not select a member type when registering online. Everyone (over the age of 6) will pay the USA Hockey registration fee of $40 (NY District fee of $8 additional). We strongly encourage all programs to have their coach’s process their individual registration. If your program pays for coach registration, you can reimburse them during the season. By having your coaches register online, each coach will have his/her confirmation page making it easier for them to go to another program to register as a player. Also, a confirmation number is required to access the SafeSport Training and Coaching Education.

What if someone has a confirmation page & we can’t accommodate them in our program?

Just because someone has a confirmation page and has paid the USA Hockey and Affiliate fee does NOT obligate you to take them into your program. The following statement appears in bold on the confirmation page: “This receipt does NOT guarantee you membership in any local program or placement on a team.”

What if someone wants a refund?

There is a statement that appears on the online registration screen that says: “I understand that USA Hockey has a no-refund policy” – the registrant must accept that statement to process the online registration. However, we do make exceptions for special circumstances as necessary.


Where do the Affiliate fees go?

The USA Hockey fees and Affiliate Fees (if applicable) are deposited into the USA Hockey account. On a regular basis, the Affiliate fees collected to date are transferred to the Affiliate’s bank account via an ACH (bank to bank) credit transfer. A detailed report is also sent to the Affiliate’s Treasurer with each fund transfer.


What if someone loses their confirmation page?

The confirmation page is available to print at the time of registration. It is also emailed to the registrant so that it can be saved. A duplicate can be requested at any time by logging going to and accessing the online registration page. On the opening screen there’s a Member Option to ‘Request Duplicate Registration Confirmation’. Enter last name, date of birth and zip code and you can print the confirmation page or email it to the address you enter.


Does the local program have to keep a copy of the confirmation page?

NO! USA Hockey does not require you to keep a copy of the confirmation page. You don’t have to collect the pages at all. You just need the number so you can enter it into your Registry.


What if a program doesn’t process their member’s confirmation numbers?

To complete the registration process, all participants’ confirmation numbers need to be transmitted by the local program. If they are not, the local program doesn’t gain access to the personnel data of their members, the program doesn’t get ‘credit’ for their members with the Affiliate/District and participant accident claim processing is hampered.


Our program would like to register online…what’s the next step?

There’s nothing special you need to do and no charge to participate in online registration. All you’ll need is an Internet connection.


Follow these steps for online registration:

Inform your members about online registration

Via your newsletter, website, program mailings….however you communicate.

Let them know that online registration is available beginning April 1, 2017.

Tell them to go to

Be sure to inform them of any applicable Affiliate fee.

Let them know what to do with their confirmation number…. Mail or email to program, bring to a registration event or enter on program’s website.

Be sure to request access to the USAH Registry for 2017-18 (This process will begin in April)
Transmit Confirmation numbers through the Registry by entering, scanning or importing.


Please call or email with any questions:
Rae Briggle or Susan Hunt
Asst Executive Director, Member Services Manager, Member Services
USA Hockey USA Hockey
1-800-566-3288 ext 125 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1-800-566-3288 ext 132 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For program website integration information, contact:
Chris Smith
Manager, Network and Security
USA Hockey
1-800-566-3288 ext 139
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.