Requirements for Districts and Nationals
- Details
- Written by NY Registrar NY Registrar
With December 31st fast approaching, listed here are a few registration reminders:
- Rosters are frozen for all state (12u) and national tournament bound (TB) 14u – 19u youth and girl’s teams on 12/31/18. Sections in the NY district that conducted a playdown prior to 12/31/18, should be aware that rosters are frozen as of the playdown start date.
- Players are not to be added or dropped on any state and national TB Rosters.
- Players can only be listed on 1 TB team.
- All other rosters can be changed throughout the season. It is advised that teams check with their club and league if they allow changes to rosters.
- High schools have until 2/15/19 to make roster changes
- Coaches who do not have a current, unexpired CEP have until 12/31/18 to obtain a current CEP level.
- Beginning on 1/1/2019, USAH Mandates that any coach not in possession of these certification requirements will be ineligible to coach for the remainder of the season. Districts and/or affiliates are required to uphold this penalty. It will be the responsibility of the local association registering the team to enforce the national policy.
- Club registrars should audit their rosters and drop all coaches that do not comply with the rule. Those not in compliance will be redlined.
- Credentials:
- TB teams should be preparing their credential books for participation in the NY district state tournaments. Instructions for putting the books together are located on the website and at this direct link:
- Remind all teams that scoresheets must reflect their registering club name and not a nickname or other name they may want to call themselves. Those scoresheets that are not in compliance will be considered tainted and WILL NOT COUNT toward the 20/10 team and player requirements.
- Players from out of the NY district that are on rosters must have the players release from their district in their credentials book to comply with the NY District rule on releases.
- Players from other districts are not eligible to participate on any TB team in NY if they already participated and were eliminated from contention and did not qualify in the registered district for the National tournament.
The current consent to treat form for each TB participant is attached to this email. No other consent to treat form is acceptable and signatures must be in ink and not electronically signed.